joining a national conversation on nonprofit effectiveness

geo_2016_natlconfbanner600x185_vfinalI was excited to join 800 colleagues at the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) national conference at the Minneapolis Hyatt Regency, May 2-4. Kudos to the Minnesota Council on Foundations for helping to bring this national conference to Minneapolis!

GEO is unique among foundation conferences because it focuses on how grantmakers can work with nonprofits to strengthen organizations and the communities we all serve. GEO conversations are deep and address complex issues of impact, effectiveness and social change.

GEO is a diverse community of grantmakers working to reshape the way philanthropy operates. For more than 15 years the GEO community has advanced smarter grantmaking practices that enable nonprofits to grow stronger and more effective. You can learn more at their website.

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