kbc uses data to tell a story

KBC_FolderLabelIn the age of information overload, sometimes simpler really is better. The KBC team is ramping up its skills with data visualization to make complex information easier to understand and more useful in decision making.

We recently developed an infographic tool for one of our clients to help inform the work they do in grantmaking to local youth organizations. (An infographic is an easy-to-understand visual representation of data.) We compiled data around key metrics related to youth development:

  • Graduation rates
  • 8th grade math proficiency
  • Participation in enrichment (out of school time) activities
  • “Disconnection” or the occurrence of youth ages 16-24 who are neither in school nor working

Data visualization can quickly convey a story – in this case, that while progress is being made on many fronts, significant gaps remain in both achievement and access to opportunity.

The KBC team is completing training in “Visual Storytelling: The Complete Infographic Toolkit.” The four-week course is offered through Idealware, which provides research, resources and training to help nonprofits make smart technology decisions.

To see our recent infographic tool, go here.


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